dimanche 7 juin 2015

The Indian Curry


What awaits you at Indian Curry? Unique atmosphere, a sensory journey of colors, flavors, magical sensations in contact with art and beauty but also with India and the world Bollywood.The Indian Curry was conceived by its creators to be a local multi-purpose so that it can accommodate all the activities' that will delight our members.

The language of Hindi songs can be complex. Some Hindi songs include Urdu and Persian words and phrases and it is not uncommon to hear use of English words in songs from modern Hindi movies.

 The site play music live too?
derendra.darwin:" Right now what you hear at curry in the main area its radio curry, broadcasted from my house. I own that radio station."
derendra.darwin: "we also have a radio station called radio curry which plays 24 hrs bollywood music at curry"

I am a RL / SL Entrepreneur who looks for creative ideas and methods to promote social cohesion and unity among mankind.  I have been in Second Life for more than 7 years.
 I have had run multiple projects in Second Life, right from commercial projects like SL Virtual Estates, Land Renting, Entertainment venues to Social and Community projects like Hangouts, safe hubs etc.
Indian Curry Hangout and Club is one such community project which has been running the long time, approx 6 years now in different shapes and form.

Leisure :
Other than running business, I am also an acclaimed Dj playing all genre of music, predominately Bollywood Style Romantic songs.  I have been also nicknamed as Dj Romantic by my fans and venue owners. 
Taking photographs in SL is my relaxing hobby.  I do that in my leisure and also sometimes help out people who want decent photos but cannot afford expensive professional photographers.  You can see my photos on http://www.flickr.com/derendradarwin

1 a new !!!*~ Indian Curry - India, Desi  ~*!!!

samedi 6 juin 2015

Ocho Tango sim

I visited this corner of music with enthusiasm and wonder. Really this place reconciles Second Life with fantasy, landscapes and architecture.we are used to imagine the tango or milonga at Boca between colorful wooden buildings.Here we are in the Argentine countryside, an imaginary place that could be anywhere in the Pampa or a city suburb ... because the tango is feeling and time running...

Hello, my name is tango, I come from Buenos Aires and I have little more than a hundred years, even if someone thinks I'm much older, so my roots are confused and strife.
Depending on your taste can be danced, played, listened, sang and how everything animate or inanimate in this world are made of a set of elements that are integrated over time.My words have entered the dialects of the first Italian immigrants land in Argentina, as well as contributed to my music Cuban rhythms, African and Spanish.I can be the highest expression of nostalgia, of resentment for the betrayal, the perception of time passing and that will not return, the recognition of their origins, the intimate relationship created between man and woman, in life or in the embrace of my dance.I wake up the emotional aspect of the human being through my words and my sounds, if you learn to listen to me, through your bodies, if you move following my music.In the milongas I can be funny, cheeky, playful; vals in the most sentimental, romantic and passionate..... Maybe I spoke too

The word Milonga has African origins, means confusion, casino, quarrel. This word was coined in the early nineteenth century in dance houses frequented by poor people, or not well-off, was also used to refer to women who worked in these houses dance.La Milonga is a folk dance of Argentine origin, derived from the most common Habanera, imported from South America in the early nineteenth century, which was replaced the 6/8 rhythm with a more simple and straightforward than 2/4, a pace that suits a lot more from a dance hall than all'Habanera. To their resemblance often Milonga was also called the Habanera of the poor. In the coming years, however, the Tango took much popularity that was soon to Milonga Tango confused with the same, this is derived from the definition of Tango-Milonga, that is a kind of Tango with an adaptation slightly faster paced and much more marked.

"Beyond time, beyond space, there, where the size is noble and refined"; Finally he warns, "you will experience real emotions and an extraordinary desire to fly"
 "Más allá del tiempo, más allá del espacio, allí, donde el tamaño es noble y refinado"; Por último, advierte, "usted experimentará emociones reales y un extraordinario deseo de volar"

The music becomes the musical time in lived space

 Ocho Tango Place - , Blossom Land (127, 130, 21)

Why the blog......

In many years of Second Life I knew and met many people. And often in a jazz club or a disco and music, or rather, all the music in the world animated these moments: tango, rock, waltz. So I decided to write about  the music places. The music is life for SL, usually we can meet artists, dj plaiyng the metaverse with great ideas and insights. I'll try to find ideas and musical projects.

Looking for you in an old coffee
I saw a mirror and inside 
I saw the sea and in the sea 
a small boat for me. 
For me to get another coffee 
com inside a mirror inside 
you can see the sea and in the sea 
a small boat ready for me.